Czarno-białe zdjęcie przedstawiające mężczyznę w czarnym T-shircie i szortach, który uśmiecha się, patrząc na kobietę, siedzącą przed toaletką i wykonującą makijaż w jasnym, nowoczesnym pokojuPara młoda tańcząca pierwszy taniec w drewnianym wnętrzu z napisem "KUFLONKA" w tle, gdzie panna młoda w eleganckiej sukni ślubnej patrzy z radością na pana młodego w kamizelce i białej koszuliPanna młoda i pan młody w czułym uścisku na parkiecie tanecznym w drewnianej sali z napisem "KUFLONKA" w tle, wśród rozmazanych światełek i ciepłej atmosfery, z gośćmi weselnymi wokół nich
Pan młody w ciemnym garniturze z oryginalnym motylkiem, stojący twarzą w twarz z panną młodą, trzymająca w rękach bukiet zielonych roślin, z uśmiechem wymieniają wzajemne spojrzenia

Stage 1: To organize a wedding or not?

When considering organizing a wedding, let's pause for a moment. Let's think about what is really important to us. Do we prefer a modest dinner or a lavish wedding?
Our decision to have a wedding stemmed from the desire to make it a unique event, ours, reflecting our lifestyle. Remember! Every decision is good if it's yours :)

Decision on the Type of Wedding – Wedding or Modest Dinner?

When you decide on a future together, the question arises: Should we organize a wedding? Do we need this? In our case, we chose a wedding that reflected our personality and shared values. However, each couple should make this decision on their own, based on their own desires and capabilities.
We first checked if we could afford our dream wedding. Only then did we decide how exactly it should look.
For you, the ideal solution might be a modest dinner with close friends. Your closest friends are the most important! It's also a wonderful way to celebrate your union.
Perhaps you prefer a grand Wedding that will be written about online and inspire legendary memes? Discuss this with your partner :)
A wedding offers broader possibilities: from traditional dances and elegant decorations to unforgettable, wild moments spent with family and friends. It's important that the choice is conscious and reflects who you are as a couple.
In our case, we wanted to create a unique atmosphere that would combine tradition with modernity, while remaining true to our individual tastes.
Remember, no matter which path you choose, the most important things are the feelings and shared memories that will stay in your memory forever :)
Check out this budget management template!

Stage 2: Planning a Budget Without Unnecessary Expenses

The budget is the foundation of a successful wedding. Instead of sinking into debt, it's better to organize a wedding within your means. Use our table to estimate your budget. You decide whether it will be a modest ceremony or a royal reception.
And remember: You organize the wedding for your guests, but you have every right to organize it on your own terms!
Estimate the own budget
Młody mężczyzna w eleganckim garniturze trzymający pannę młodą za rękę i wiązkę kolorowych balonów, idący przez parking z widokiem na góry i gości weselnych w tle

A loan for the wedding? Forget it!

Getting into debt to organize a wedding is an extremely irresponsible decision. In our opinion, it's one of the worst steps you could take. It's best to assume that the wedding will not pay for itself.
Deciding to organize a wedding, it is crucial to set a realistic budget. This decision will help avoid financial pitfalls. Our experience has shown that planning a wedding according to financial capabilities is not only sensible but also allows for enjoyment at every stage of the preparations.
Thanks to the budget estimation table, you will determine whether it will be a lavish wedding or rather a more modest celebration. However, regardless of everything, the most important thing is that it reflects your personalities and shared dreams. With all due respect to every aunt and every uncle - listen to their advice, BUT make decisions on your own and CONSCIOUSLY!
Our wedding budget template considers various aspects—from the choice of menu, through decorations, to music. It all depends on the number of guests and your individual preferences. Remember that the success of the wedding does not depend on the amount of expenses, but on your creativity.
Let your imagination carry you and be yourself!
Estimate the budget with us

Stage 3: Choosing the Venue and Attractions - Create Your Own Story!

Dream venue: Think about what you want from your wedding. Boho, retro, or glamour?
We, at first, wanted to combine nature and Italian atmosphere. We didn't come across anything interesting in the Krakow area.
What's the conclusion? It's worth looking for and giving yourself time to find a unique place. Why? Thanks to this "failure", our idea evolved and we ended up at Kuflonke :)
Planning attractions? Get inspired using Pinterest, decide what attractions you want at your wedding.
Panna młoda wychodzi z drewnianego budynku, trzymając w ręku swoją suknię ślubną, nosząc niebieską kurtkę dżinsową i patrząc w bok, z nowoczesnym wnętrzem restauracji w tle
Drewniany budynek w górachZbliżenie na drewnianą ścianę z napisem "KUFLONKA a'la carte" w ciepłych tonach, z rozmytymi zielonymi gałązkami w przedniej części kadru

Do something your way...

Choosing a wedding venue is like painting a picture. First, you need to know what you want to paint in order to... paint it :)
For us, it was crucial to find a place that combined nature and mountain vibes. Our advice? Look for a place that tells your story and reflects your dreams.
Consider what kind of wedding attractions will suit your character - an energetic orchestra or the subtle sounds of a string quartet?
If you are interested in cycling, then use the accents of small bikes. What about fishing? I guess there's nothing stopping you from casting a float as your decoration :)
Planning the date of the wedding is also an important aspect. Coordinating it with the availability of your dream venue and music band may require flexibility and patience.
The earlier you get down to it, the easier it will be to get everyone in sync, unless.... you decide to have the wedding and reception during the week. This has its pros and cons, so it's worth considering :)
Preparing a wedding is creating a script for your day. Every detail matters, and you are the directors of this unique story. Enjoy every step of the preparation, remembering that it is YOU (not your uncle, aunt, grandmother, but YOU) who create unforgettable memories!
Mężczyzna w czarnym T-shircie rozmawia przez telefon komórkowy, wchodząc na ruchome schody, z białą koszulą zawieszoną na ramieniu i widocznymi w tle plakatami
Stage 4: Finalizing the Details
Scheduling: Now is the time for specific arrangements . If you choose a concordat wedding, do not forget about church formalities. It's a good idea to start gathering documents more than 3 months before the wedding!
Automation and organization: Create your own wedding website, use Google Forms to facilitate managing guests and details.
Get inspired by our wedding website!

Summary: Your Guide to the Perfect Wedding

You have already learned the key elements that will help you organize your dream wedding. The first stage encourages deep reflection - is the wedding really what you want? Remember, any decision is good if it is yours.
In the second stage, we focused on budget planning. Remember, the success of the wedding does not depend on the amount of spending, but on the team you work with. If you see communication problems with the other side, should that cooperation continue? Why stress?
The third stage leads you through the choice of venue and attractions. Get inspired, create your own story - every choice matters. In Kuflonka, we found a place that spoke our story, reflected our dreams. The final stage is refining the details, where every detail matters.
During this journey, remember that you are creating unforgettable memories. Do not succumb to the pressure of society and the environment that will try to impose a foreign approach to life on you. Regardless of the path you choose, the most important are your feelings and shared memories that will remain in your hearts forever.
We wish you success in realizing your dream day and enjoying every moment of preparation. May your wedding be exactly as you have dreamed it!
Basia i Tomasz ;) 

Check out the ready-made wedding website templates and more!

Save time and automate your wedding preparations with our ready-made templates. We worked on them ourselves ;)
Pan młody w podniesionej pozycji na rękach gości, z rozpostartymi ramionami w stylu akrobacji, podczas gdy panna młoda stoi obok na ziemi, przyglądając się, z tłem zachodzącego słońca i nieb