A wedding website in 15 minutesSure!

We know very well how much work awaits you during wedding preparations. That's why we want to show you how much time we saved by using such a simple website!
Strona główna witryny internetowej z parą wykonującą humorystyczne pozy na drewnianym słupie drogowskazowym, mężczyzna w czarnej kurtce i kobieta w niebieskiej, z zachętą do odkrywania dodatkowych informacji o ich wycieczce górskiej

In short: What will you gain from a wedding website?

From experience, we know that such a website saves a lot of time and energy. Thanks to this, we had time to go on vacation, enjoy time with friends, and regularly relax in the mountains!
Our wedding guests had all the information in one place!
We didn't ask ourselves questions like: Is Kasia a vegetarian?
We provided ready pins on Google Maps - no questions about parking or location!
The website was perfect for inviting guests from abroad!
We shared updates about our wedding and reception
We had a perfect space to share photos before and after the wedding!

Check out our templates! In Boho style?

Each template is designed to display perfectly on all devices! So whether your guests use a computer, tablet, or phone - the site will look great :)

Maybe like this...

Why not! We made sure to maintain the best order of the information presented on the site, BUT give you the option to choose the style that suits you best :)

Let's go wild with
RETRO style!

You decide what suits you best. Additionally, remember that you can easily change all photos, headers!

We built a simple website that...

was an extension of our traditional invitation.
Our goal? To minimize the number of questions wedding guests have about the date, time, place, or how to get to the church.
The effect? It was amazing! Everyone could check the site at any time to see where, what, and how.
A website is hard to lose!
Check our templates!

Why should you use our templates?

You will find many other templates online that are sufficient, but... Should your wedding just be sufficient? That's why we want to provide you with a dose of our experiences and thoughts that will make your wedding unique!

Other projects on the internet

ZakochaniwGórach.pl templates

These are just websites
Along with the template, we provide you with ready-made questions for the attendance confirmation form for your guests!
Other sites look good only on a computer
We made sure your site looks great on both computers and phones!
On other platforms, you just buy a design and that's it...
You have our full support from the purchase to the implementation of the website in the form of video tutorials!
can buy just the design website or...
Receive the entire package of our thoughts on how to approach organizing your own wedding and reception
Kobieta opuszczająca nowoczesny, drewniany budynek, trzymająca suknię ślubną i nosząca niebieską kurtkę dżinsową, ze stroną internetową o tematyce górskiej widoczną w tle

Actually, what should we publish there?

We asked ourselves that question too... and decided that we want to provide our guests with as much practical information as possible.
Our wedding was one day, but it was a destination wedding. By the way - we spontaneously organized a post-wedding gathering by the bonfire, but that's a topic for another subpage xD
Go to the store and build your own site!

What did our guests say?

Check out the feedback from our wedding guests, who along with the engagement received a link to a website that had all the organizational information

The site was very helpful! I especially appreciate the maps with locations and the convenient form
Jacek G.
The information on the site was incredibly creative, full of personal anecdotes and stories of the young couple.
Paweł K.
Everything worked flawlessly on my phone, very user friendly. It was very convenient, especially when I needed quick access to information on my way to the wedding venue.
Filip K.
As someone living abroad, I appreciated being able to check details without having to call. The website was well suited to my needs, with clear information about transportation and accommodations.
Tomasz K.
Fantastic idea with the photo gallery! It was nice to see our photos together after the wedding.
Magdalena J.
The invitation had a lovely design that matched the whole theme of the wedding. It was a real pleasure to look through it and discover all the little details.
Magda K
Thanks to this site, I was able to plan my commute and stay without any surprises.
Marek O
I was surprised how easy it was to confirm attendance. Everything in one place, great! I was even able to submit my special dietary requirements directly through the site, which was very convenient.
Barbara Z.

Anyone can CLICK it together in 12 minutes!

You're probably thinking to yourself "I don't know anything about the Internet! How am I supposed to grasp it?". Here, fortunately, we have a solution and we have already covered everything for you.
Grab this guide, where I show you step by step how you can easily launch such a site.
Przejdź do Video poradnika

Ready-made form for confirming attendance and more!

Confirmation of attendance is a pique when additional needs like: I have a gluten allergy, or.... I don't want to sit next to Uncle Staszek, because that type makes me bloody nervous!
Of course, it's up to you to decide how much you want to go for your guests, but remember! Not everyone will be able to tell you straight up what they need. That's why we developed something that solved all our problems.
Attendance confirmation form, where guests can complete the form in just 3 minutes and it's done! Everything goes into an excel that constantly updates.
Forget those discussions with your partner or partner like: "Why didn't you write down whether Auntie would come with Uncle or alone?".
I want to save myself stress - lead to the store
Tekst na stronie internetowej z wzorem formularza do potwierdzenia obecności na weselu, informujący gości o możliwości zgłaszania preferencji żywieniowych i alergii, z obietnicą pomocnej obsługi

Choose the theme that suits you best!

Check out our templates! In Boho style?

Each template is designed to display perfectly on all devices! So whether your guests use a computer, tablet, or phone - the site will look great :)

Maybe like this...

Why not! We made sure to maintain the best order of the information presented on the site, BUT give you the option to choose the style that suits you best :)

Let's go wild with
RETRO style!

You decide what suits you best. Additionally, remember that you can easily change all photos, headers!

Don't see a design that fits?

Write to us! Send in an email some sample photos or links to the projects you like best!
Perhaps we can find a moment to... Develop a new design!
Pan młody w podniesionej pozycji na rękach gości, z rozpostartymi ramionami w stylu akrobacji, podczas gdy panna młoda stoi obok na ziemi, przyglądając się, z tłem zachodzącego słońca i nieb